Since the creation of fire, it changed the way we live ever since. Wild fires were started by natural phenomena, like for example, lightning from a thunderstorm. When wild fires swept through vast or small areas, prehistoric people and animals had to get out of its way. But there was a benefit to this natural disaster. If the early humans got away in time, but if the animals didn't get out in time they would be cooked, therefor the humans would have a very good food source instead of cooking it themselves. Humans have use fire intentionally for at least 250,000 years. About 250,000 years ago, hearths began to appear in Europe. From the definition in the article, hearths are: "Hearths are rudimentary fire places often identified by a ring of rocks that outlines them." An interesting fact about hearth fires, are that they heat objects to a higher temperature than wiled fires do. The first use of fire might have bean used about 1,000,000 years ago.

They found prehistoric human remains in the Swartkrans caves of south Africa with burnt animal bones. They believed that the ancestors that had used fire, might have not known how to actually make it but dragged a log back to their cave from a wild fire. Cooking food took away food born parasites like bacteria and worms and destroyed toxins that in the meat. As a source of heat, campfires were very good at keeping our ancestors warm overnight or during a winter storm.
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