Early Hominins are known as "ape-men". Their skulls, teeth and limbs are similar to apes but they were bipeds, so that makes them human like. Sahelanthropus tchadesis was found in Chad in 2001 and it lived between 6 and 7 m.y.a.(million years ago). It had a small skull, which was roughly 300-400 cubic centimeters. They were closely related to apes rather than to humans. Ardipithecus means ground-ape. They date back to 4.4 m.y.a. They were found in Armis, Ethiopia in 1994. Kenyapithecus platyops was found in 2001 near Lake Turkana, Kenya and it dates back to about 3.5 m.y.a. but they are still unsure of the taxonomic identity because the skull was broken down into so many little pieces. Homo Habilis, the “handy man”, was found in Oduvai Gorge, Tasmanian but it doesn’t say from when they lived. Homo Habilis had a larger brain and narrower teeth than Astralopithicus or Paranthropus. The Homo Habilis is named the handy man because they were the first Hominins to make tools out of stone and use them properly, instead of all of the other Hominins. Other Hominins just used a rock for all of their needs. Homo Erectus known as “upright man” was a more advanced species of Hominins and fossils dates back to 1.8 m.y.a. One fossil was found, "The skeleton was thought to be one of a 12 year old boy who was 6 feet tall." (just like me). Imagine what the adults looked like. Fossils were found in Africa, Europe and Asia unlike the others and they showed signs of primitive dwelling, hunting and the use of fire and more advanced tools than Homo Habilis.
Susman, Randel. "Who's Who Among the early Hominins?" Odyssey: Adventures in science Oct. 2009: 22-25. Print.
Dated te 1.5 the skeleton is thought tu be
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