What is so important about history? Why do people need to know all those names and dates? The reality is, they don't, and can't. There are so many important people and dates, it is impossible for any one to know all of them. Besides, it is pretty easy to look up most of the facts you need up on the internet now a days.
Hear is One of the quotes I have chosen:
"If you do not like the past, change it." William L. Burton
What i think this Quote Means:
I think that the Quote "If you do not like the past, change it." means that if you don't like the current state of what is going on in the world, try to make a difference so it doesn't affect the future.
Another Interesting Quote i chose was:
"The past is useless. That explains why it is past." Wright Morris

what I think this Quote means:
I think that the Quote "The past is useless. That explains why it is past." means that don't think about what you have done bad in the past think about how you can improve it in the future.
Now, you are probably wondering why i have chosen the two smallest Quotes. The reason i chose them is because i believe that little words affect someone more than just 30 pages of trying to explain something that makes no sense.
Why do we study History?
1.We study history to know how things were in the past and how they have changed over year's, also so we understand the mistakes made by our ancestors should not be repeated in future by us.
2. To expand our knowledge about history.
3. By studying history hopefully contries can prevent making the same mistakes over and over.
Those are the Three Maine reasons of why we study History in my opinion.
When I started reading your blog I was like.. uhh. I don't feel like reading but once I actually gave it a shot I was like wow, I was wrong. I like the way you start with questions and answers, I think you should do this every time because it really gets the reader into reading. I myself found your quotes very interesting and like why you explained the reason of choosing 2 short quotes. You made reading fun for me, I hope to read one of your following blogs as well! Keep up the god job!
Thank you Alex!
ReplyDeleteI like your quotes you chose. I found them to be very true to you and the reason you chose them as well. Short and to the point, but with a lot of meaning. :)