Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Huge Gladiator School Found Buried in Austria "Important" find boasts amphitheater, was nearly as big as two Walmarts.

Saturday, September 24, 2011
How do Historians Learn about the Past?
Historians learn about the past by using artifacts, geographically written records, books, interviews, and oral tradition. Historians who study the history of science use all kinds of information to help them understand how modern science was developed. For example, historians might look at the notebook that Isaac Newton used when he was trying to understand how light traveled through a prism. Historians might also look at writings from ancient philosophers and the language people used to describe the natural world. They might also look at drawings people made about inventions people used or drawings about what ancient people thought about the stars. They might also look at what other historians have written in the past so that they can get an idea about how an invention or idea was viewed during that time. With all of these types of information, historians try to determine what happened and how the things we know today came about. Historians do more than just look at the events of the past. They try to understand what they mean. That is they try to interpret the past to better understand how the past affects the present and how it might impact the future. It is very important to have a solid understanding of how our history was shaped. Many times people forget history and when they run into the same problems earlier people encountered they often make the same mistakes. If we don’t remember our history, we can repeat the same mistakes without ever learning from our past. Sometime historians disagree about how to interpret the past. Just like scientists disagree about how to interpret data, historians disagree about how to interpret events. Just as in science, is always better to read several different interpretations of a historical event and not just one. It is helpful to view all of the various viewpoints and after you have studied them and come to your own conclusions about what you think it means.
Monday, September 19, 2011
In the past, were did humans tend to settle and why?

Today in Humanities we were assigned to write a blog post about "In the past, were did humans tend to settle and why?" Hear is why i think:
Early peoples tended to settle near water and open fields to grow their crops. They tended to settle near water because it provided them with water for there plants and for there family's. They tended to settle next to fields not only to grow crops but also to raise cattle and sheep and goats. I think that most of the people that migrated to these types of terrains are very smart but even tho back then they didn't have as much knowledge as we have today, they were still very intelligent. They also move/migrate because of climate change. For growing crops, they needed sunny and warm weather. If they were Eskimos, they would want to go to a much colder climates like Canada, the North pole and the South pole. If they migrated to a much hotter area, they wouldn't be able to use all of there tools and there sleds also because it would take them a long time to adapt to there new territory.
In the picture above, you can see the migration map from the early ages. Most of them, as you can see, are not off shore, because they didn't have boats that could travel that long. They mostly traveled by foot and when they did, not many people survived because of the ruff terrain.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
What is History and why do we study it?
What is so important about history? Why do people need to know all those names and dates? The reality is, they don't, and can't. There are so many important people and dates, it is impossible for any one to know all of them. Besides, it is pretty easy to look up most of the facts you need up on the internet now a days.
Hear is One of the quotes I have chosen:
"If you do not like the past, change it." William L. Burton
What i think this Quote Means:
I think that the Quote "If you do not like the past, change it." means that if you don't like the current state of what is going on in the world, try to make a difference so it doesn't affect the future.
Another Interesting Quote i chose was:
"The past is useless. That explains why it is past." Wright Morris

what I think this Quote means:
I think that the Quote "The past is useless. That explains why it is past." means that don't think about what you have done bad in the past think about how you can improve it in the future.
Now, you are probably wondering why i have chosen the two smallest Quotes. The reason i chose them is because i believe that little words affect someone more than just 30 pages of trying to explain something that makes no sense.
Why do we study History?
1.We study history to know how things were in the past and how they have changed over year's, also so we understand the mistakes made by our ancestors should not be repeated in future by us.
2. To expand our knowledge about history.
3. By studying history hopefully contries can prevent making the same mistakes over and over.
Those are the Three Maine reasons of why we study History in my opinion.